8 days that Changed the World is a series of eight consecutive bible readings from Luke’s gospel that begin on “Palm Sunday” (the Sunday before Jesus died) and continue to his resurrection the following Sunday.


Although some of the events in the middle of this week may be harder to attribute precisely to one day or another, the story takes us through this most significant week, not only in one man’s life, but in the whole of history and for the whole of creation.


Each reading is displayed around the church building which is open from Monday 25th March to Good Friday 29th March (12-2pm) as well as Monday to Wednesday evenings, 7-8.30pm. There you can take your time to read, sit and pray. Following each reading there are one or two reflective questions and a prayer.


They are also all available below. There is a link to each reading on BibleGateway; and you can even press the audio icon on that webpage and listen to it the scriptures being read. Or you can access it beng read here (Luke 19:28 begins at 2:05:57).


You might like to reflect on one a day throughout the week leading up to Easter, or take a few moments across the week to take in more than one. Wherever and however you choose to follow these readings, may they help you to dwell on the wonder of God in Christ and these eight days that changed the world


1. Making an Entrance

Read Luke 19:28-44


Wondering: How much do I truly understand the depth of Jesus’ love for me? As He entered Jerusalem knowing what He was about to face, can I comprehend why He did this?



Praying: “Lord it broke Your heart when the people did not understand You, and it does the same now when we fail to understand the depth of Your love for us. But when we truly see and know You, we and all creation can’t help but cry out in praise and worship!”


2. Laying down a Challenge

Read Luke 19:45-20:26


Wondering: Jesus refused to allow His Father’s house to continue as ‘a den of robbers’, but turned it back to a ‘house of prayer.’ To where has my heart wandered, and does it need to be brought back to closeness with Jesus?


Praying: “Jesus, You look directly at me too; what do You want to say to me?”


3. Exposing the truth

Read Luke 20:27-21:4


Wondering: Where do I most try to impress people, rather than God?



Praying: “Father, we can get caught up in meaningless debates, usually to make ourselves look clever, but in doing so we lose sight of You. Forgive us, and bring our minds and hearts back to You.”




4. Stirring trouble

Read Luke 21:5-22:6


Wondering: Are there people, fears or anxieties which have such power over me that they preoccupy my thinking, and draw me away from fixing my eyes on Jesus?



Praying: “Father thank You for the faith of the widow, who literally gave You her last pennies. Help us to trust that You are always in control, and that You see us. Help us to guard our hearts and grow our faith in Your goodness.”


5. The Last Supper

Read Luke 22:7-46


Wondering: Jesus knew the horrific reality of what was ahead of Him…yet He resolved to do it, for love of us. He did the unthinkable, laying down His life. How do I respond?



Praying: “Jesus at every level humanly speaking, You were betrayed and abandoned, yet You still chose to walk the excruciating path of pain for us, instead of us. We thank You, but at the same time are ashamed of our apathy. We do love You a little; help us to love You more.”

6. Betrayal and Trial

Read Luke 22:47-23:35


Wondering: Why am I sometimes more influenced by people than by Jesus? Who specifically at present has more power and influence over me than Jesus does?


 Praying: “Lord, so quickly my heart can turn from worship to denial. Please help me see where this is happening and help me turn from my inconsistencies, my unbelief and my fear of other people. Please turn my heart back to You.”


7. Death and silence

Read Luke 23:26-56


Wondering: The crucifixion of Jesus called the people present to make their minds up: many people made many decisions about what they saw…there was no neutral ground. Where does the crucifixion of Jesus lead me?


 Praying: “Father, help me see with Your eyes what the crucifixion meant to You, and what it means for me. Please give me the humility I need to realise that You make a much better job of my life than I ever could. Then lead me to worship and obedience and gratitude.”

8. Resurrection

Read Luke 24:1-48


Wondering: “He is not here, He is risen!” But where was He? Jesus was quietly opening eyes, causing hearts to burn, opening minds, and declaring future mission. What is Jesus doing now within me, and to what is He calling me?



Praying: “Jesus, You deserve every part of me…mind, body, heart and soul. Please open my eyes and my mind, and cause my heart to burn with devotion to You. Show me what You have for me. Thank You. And all this is for You name’s sake.”


Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church

1 Myrtledene Road




Tel: 028 9040 3333

E-mail: info@srpc.org.uk

Charity Number: NIC104268