Click here for events and opportunities for both local and global mission, including seminars, evening classes and concerts. We aim to keep this page updated throughout the year.
Download the latest prayer letters and updates from our members currently working fulltime with agencies locally and overseas by clicking here.
Storehouse is a project providing emergency food parcels, clothing and household goods for families all across our city who are going without. You can leave donations at Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church at both entrances, either in the Hub or the Vestibule. Click here to find out more, and which items are currently most needed.
We have a Salvation Army clothing bank situated in the main car park. We accept most textile items as long as they’re clean and dry, including shoes (tied in pairs), clothing, handbags, belts,
sheets, blankets and towels. It’s helpful if you can place your donations in a bag before putting them in the bank.
Download our Mission Policy Guidelines document