Here are some suggestions of resources you might find helpful to deepen your faith
If you haven't got a daily devotional pattern of reading the Bible and praying, you might find these helpful...
Join me (Ben) in reading these two great devotional books, which you can get in paperback or as an e-book
If you haven't thought much about how the many books of the Bible unite to form One Big Story, why not read (paperback/ebook) this great and very straightforward introduction...
And you could spend hours on The Bible Project, a brilliant website with videos and articles on all the books of the Bible, biblical themes, how to read the Bible, wonderful posters, and so much more.
Watch the video and explore the resources on Ruth as we begin a Sunday series on this amazing story from the end of April.
If you're taking a daily walk as exercise, why not turn it into a prayer-walk for your neighbours and community? Sometimes described as "praying on-site with insight", prayer-walking is a low-profile affair in which we become more aware of the realities and needs of our neighbours and pray beyond ourselves for those around us as we are out and about.
Read a little more about it from WayMakers here and download some of their suggestions for how you might pray reflecting on scripture here.