What time is the Sunday Service?
We gather for worship every Sunday at 11am.
How long does a service last?
The regular morning service usually lasts 70 minutes. We have ‘All Age Family Services’ a few times
a year where kids stay in church with their parents. The content is child friendly, usually involves a
special theme and the service is shorter, typically lasting 50 minutes.
What time should I get to church?
It’s best to arrive at least 10 minutes before the service so you have time to park your car and find
your seat.
Can I sit anywhere?
Yes our friendly host team will welcome you at the door.
What do I wear?
Come as you are … the atmosphere is friendly and informal.
What about my kids?
The first 15-20 minutes of the service is usually tailored for all ages. Then there is a short
break where kids and youth join with leaders in the halls and parents have the option of
taking babies to the crèche.
Join us this Sunday at 11:00 am for our Sunday morning service. The service will also be livestreamed here.
Please visit our SRPC YouTube site to access all other previous services.