Beyond 2020: Loving God, loving one another, loving others

Our Elders have been thinking about our vision as a church for the coming years and have come to a point of wanting to share their reflections more widely to involve the prayers and input of the wider congregation.


There are and will be opportuities to do this in a number of ways - through particular gatherings, life groups and simply as individual members of the church family here.


Below you can find a document you might like to read, setting out the thinking so far with some questions to consider and give feedback on. There are also three short videos that go alongside this, to help you think, reflect and pray.

Do take time to watch, listen, read and reflect. And please do send any thoughts or input you have to Ben either by email of through the response form below.

1. Introduction: Looking ahead and having a vision...

2. Developing a Biblical Vision: grounded in Scripture

3. Building on a vision: aspirations and actions

Here's a document to read along with the videos, setting out our thinking and discussion so far in a little more detail for others' input...
SRPC vision document for wider discussio
Adobe Acrobat Document 593.0 KB

How do you respond to reading this?

Please feel free to email Ben with your thoughts and reflections, or if you would prefer, you can use this form below to respond to the questions at the end...

Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church

1 Myrtledene Road




Tel: 028 9040 3333


Charity Number: NIC104268